50 Years Ago... "Popcorn" by Hot Butter was stuck inside the heads of everyone on Earth, for it was the BIGGEST SONG in THE WORLD!

50 Years Ago… “Popcorn” by Hot Butter was the BIGGEST SONG in THE WORLD!

Was it genius? Or just incredibly annoying? Genius? Incredibly Annoying? Genius? Incredibly Annoying?

Why can it be both?

“Popcorn” was originally written by Gershon Kingsley for his 1969 album “Music To Moog By”, a curious album title since it might be the only time that the word “moog” has ever been used as a verb.

“Popcorn” is the best song to play on a kazoo, I wish more synth-pop had ended up sounding like this and it’s a 9
